Member Groups of FFAA
Black Gold Quilt Patch Guild (Leduc, AB)
Edmonton & District Quilters’ Guild
Edmonton Modern Quilt Guild
Edmonton Needlecraft Guild
Edmonton Rug Hooking Guild
Edmonton Weavers’ Guild
Latchet Machine Knitting Club
Sheep Creek Weaver's Guild and Fibre Artists
Member Guilds Meeting Dates & Times
Black Gold
Quilt Patch Guild
New location and time starting September 2021! Meets from 7-9:30 pm, the first Wednesday of the month, from September to June. Leduc Arts Foundry, Leduc Rec Centre, 4330 Black Gold Dr, Leduc, AB T9E 3C3. Visit us on Facebook.
Edmonton Needlecraft Guild
Meets the second Tuesday of the month, September to June, at 7:30 p.m. in the lower hall at United on Whyte Pastoral Charge, 7909-82 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB. ENG Facebook
Edmonton Weavers’ Guild
Study groups meet at various times in the Strathcona Community League Hall at 10139-87 Avenue. Study groups include weaving, spinning, as well as knitting and felting. Check our website calendar for meeting days and times. New class offerings have been posted on our website.
Edmonton Modern Quilt Guild
PLEASE NOTE NEW MEETING DATE. EMQG will be meeting the 1st Tuesday of each month at the FFAA Studio located at 10554 – 110 St NW Edmonton and also via zoom. For sign-in information for zoom, email Doors open at 6:30, meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Come join us!
Edmonton Rug Hooking Guild
Meets from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month, from September to June. Pleasantview Community Hall, 10860-57 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. The Prairie Harvest Rug Hooking School is held annually in September.
Sheep Creek Weaver's Guild and Fibre Artists
We create with fibre. We are spinners, weavers, knitters, felters,
quilters, crocheters, dyers, and sewers. We educate in the fibre arts
welcoming all skill levels to participate in regular workshops.
Our guild was founded in 1974 on private homes, ranches, and farms on
the edge of the Sheep Creek. The Millarville Racetrack Hall has been
our gathering place for over four decades. The unparalleled beauty of
the Alberta foothills inspires us and encourages friendships between
the city and rural members of SCW. Guild membership offers the use of
our extensive fibre arts library and equipment rentals.
We gather once a month to celebrate our individual projects and once a
year we host an annual sale. Meetings on the 1st Thursday of the
month at 10 am in the Millarville Racetrack Hall. Please join us!
Edmonton & District
Quilters’ Guild
Meetings continue online via Zoom. The Zoom links are sent to members via e-mail two days prior to the guild meeting. The link is also posted on the EDQG Members Only Facebook page on the day of the meeting; members must be signed in to FB to see the page.
Otherwise, the guild meets on the third Wednesday of the month. We do not meet in December, June, July, and August. Our year-end banquet is held in June. Meetings are at the ATA Building Auditorium, 11010 142 St NW, Edmonton, AB. Free parking is available. Guests are welcome. Please identify yourself at the door. Admission is $10. Doors open at 6:30 pm. The meeting starts at 7:15 pm.
Latchet Machine Knitting Club
Meets on the second Thursday of every month from 12:45 pm to 3:30 pm except July and August. Contact Latchet Machine Knitting Club.