About FFAA
Our Mission
is to encourage, foster, and develop excellence and appreciation of fibre as an art form among the community.
Our History
started in February 1998 when Focus on Fibre Art Association was incorporated as a not-for-profit association to provide a showcase for fibre artists. This step was taken in response to the decision of Edmonton’s long-standing summer fair in 1996 to discontinue its exhibition of arts and crafts.
In 1998, FFAA established a biennial competition and exhibition to provide an opportunity for fibre artists to showcase their ability and progress in their chosen crafts, to receive feedback from respected teachers/judges, and to exhibit their art to the public.
Many shows and competitions have been held since that time:
1998 – No Specific Theme
2000 – Past and Future
2002 – From Hand to Hand
2004 – Healing with Fibre
2006 – Just for Fun
2008 – Wild Thing
1998 – No Specific Theme
2000 – Past and Future
2002 – From Hand to Hand
2004 – Healing with Fibre
2006 – Just for Fun
2008 – Wild Thing
Several award-winning artworks from the 1998–2012 competitions were featured in an FFAA retrospective as one-third of a three-part exhibition called “Western Threads: Contemporary Fibre Art” at the Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton, AB, from April 12–August 4, 2014.
In 2012, FFAA began offering fibre art workshops for members and the general public. These are made possible by volunteer fundraising with the Alberta Gaming, Liquor, and Cannabis Commission.
Our Members
include a board of directors of FFAA of volunteers drawn from the Edmonton-area fibre art community, including Black Gold Quilt Patch Guild, Edmonton & District Quilters Guild, Edmonton Modern Quilters' Guild, Edmonton Needlecraft Guild, Edmonton Rug Hooking Guild, Edmonton Weavers' Guild, Latchet Machine Knitters Club, and individual members.
FFAA activities are supported by funds raised through AGLC.