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Encouraging, fostering, and developing excellence
and appreciation of fibre as an art form.

Focus on Fibre Art Association is a not-for-profit association that provides opportunities to members and member organizations for engagement with the larger fibre arts community. We offer workshops and events that promote skill development, and we host competitions and exhibitions that showcase the creativity of fibre artists. For more information, see our about page or read our newsletter. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

FFAA activities are supported funds raised through AGLC.

News and Updates

Board meeting take place on the third Monday of each month at 7pm.
Meetings are rotated between the Full Board including executives, committee chairs, guild representative and guests.

Upcoming Board Meeting Schedule:

 March 17 – FULL BOARD
   April 21 – EXECUTIVE ONLY

July/August - Summer Break

What do we do at board meetings?

  • get updates from the executive and all committees,

  • hear about all current FFAA business

  • have the opportunity to participate in discussion preceding votes on motions


Agenda and zoom link for Full Board meetings will be available one week prior to the meeting.

Enjoy the benefits of being a FFAA member either through an individual, junior or guild/group membership:

Individual Membership Renewal Form

Junior Membership Renewal Form

Guild/Group Membership Renewal Form

Have you registered and paid for a class but then realized you couldn't go?

Or maybe the class is full and you would like to be on a wait list.


Please see our: FFAA Facebook Page Wait List

Feel free to leave your name, what you are looking for and ask people to direct message you. Between the two of you, the agreement to exchange the registration fee is up to the two of you.

FFAA does not manage class refunds. This page is meant to be a courtesy for its members.

Quick Links

Upcoming Events

Sign Up for Email Notices

Sign up for the FFAA mailing list to receive emails of upcoming workshops, exhibitions, and events. The mailing list is available to members and non-members. 

Thanks for subscribing!

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